The Ultimate Hosting Solution!Isn't that what they all promise? The fact of the matter is webmasters switch hosting providers about as often as people move -- every 2-5 years on average. Why? Often it's because services are not up to par or the host does not provide the one widget the cutomer needs to grow -- yet the most common issue is the lack of decent customer service. We reccommend SiteBuildIt! Why fall for "cheap, quick, easy." Success takes proven and successful hosting. Success takes work. The key is to focus 100% upon your business, instead of wasting 95 out of every 100 hours on technical issues (HTML, CGI, FTP, SEO, PHP, RSS, ASP, AJAX, CSS.... and on and on...). Why use our friends at SitbuildIt!? Well, because 62% of SBI! sites end up in the top 3% of ALL Web sites on the Net... Summary of Results
You need hosting that works for you, not another monthly bill and the frustration of "figuring it all out"... we've worked on just about all the hosts you see above and after countless hours of frustration and "figuring it out" we learned that we could concentrate on growing business rather than technical repertoire and make more money and more customers happy in the long run. See for yourself, many are already die hard fans of Site BuildIt! Give it a try, and you will be a fan too...
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